Week 15
Since our last post, we discovered that one of my best friends from home (Joanne), my hairdresser and another aquaintence are due within two weeks of us. It's pretty exciting to have people to talk to that are going through the exact same thing as me.
I'm finally starting to cook again and almost everything I had an aversion to during the first trimester is sounding good (except coffee and dark chocolate). I'm sure Drew's pretty happy about me cooking actual meals again, I'm sure he was getting pretty sick of pasta and sandwiches. (Drew's note: Sandwiches and pasta are pretty good when they're made by someone else). I've already outgrown all of my jeans, so last weekend we went to Metrotown (not fun) and bought some new pants. I finally told my boss a couple of days ago. He was surprisingly good about the whole thing and said that he'd make sure I have full pay while I'm off. We weren't counting on any compensation from my company so that was a nice surprise. Hopefully he keeps his word.
Yesterday I had blood taken for the triple screen test. The triple screen can detect neural tube disorders and down syndrome. We're keeping our fingers crossed that everything is alright - one week is a long time to wait for the results.
We spent last weekend on the Island at Brentwood Bay Lodge and Spa. We got a great deal on the room as its still low season. We've definetely never stayed anywhere so nice. We had our own fireplace, sitting area and spa bathroom. The weather wasn't great (although it was not as bad as Vancouver) which was actually nice as it forced us to just relax. We spent much of Saturday curled up with a book and watching tv (it felt like a luxury just to have cable). We ate all of our meals at the resort. Breakfast was included every morning (definitely the best hotel breakfast I've ever had) and ate one night at the pub and the next at the restaurant. All of the food was excellent! I had my first glass of wine and my first seafood on the weekend. It was a nice treat.
We had such a great night's sleep
- king size bed and down-filled pillows. We liked the pillows so much that we went out on Wednesday and bought the exact same ones. Both of our pillows are so old and thin, it was time for a change. They made for a nice sleep last night in our new bed. We finally picked it up yesterday although it's been ready for weeks. The weather has been too bad to pick it up, we didn't want to risk it getting wet. We've been together over five years and finally got around to getting a bed. We were very picky about what we wanted and finally ended up having one made. Its pretty plain but has a lot of storage underneath which will come in handy in our small place.
Well, thats all the news I've got for you. Thank you so much for all of the emails and messages posted to our blog. It was so nice to hear from all of you..JPG)
Yesterday I had blood taken for the triple screen test. The triple screen can detect neural tube disorders and down syndrome. We're keeping our fingers crossed that everything is alright - one week is a long time to wait for the results.
We had such a great night's sleep
Well, thats all the news I've got for you. Thank you so much for all of the emails and messages posted to our blog. It was so nice to hear from all of you.