
As you can see, we don't really use this blog much. It's not because we're boring people, really. We're just extremely busy people. I really enjoy reading other blogs though so I thought it was only fair to update this one and fill you guys in. It helps that we have big news too!
We've been very domestic lately. Last week we sold the truck and drove back from Cranbrook in a 2007 Volkswagon Golf. It's been great so far, much better on gas then the truck was and I actually feel comfortable driving it in the city. I really haven't driven it much yet though. I would still rather commute with Candace or ride my bike to work but its nice to finally have something smaller.
We also bought a new sofa bed. We've held off buying one because we weren't sure if our living room was big enough for two couches but it actually looks pretty good. And its really comfy. So, its a good time to come and visit us - no more air mattress!
Anyways, thats the news. All else is pretty much the same. Same jobs, same condo, same hair colour (well, Drew's might be a little more grey). I'll be back with more news soon.
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